Thursday, September 3, 2009

I'll Tumble For Ya

Mmmmmm Fall! I can seriously feel it coming...we are down to 94 as opposed to 104 for about a week now. I love when the leaves tumble down, it is my dream to go to the North East during fall to see all of the leaves turning. I'm hoping that my mom and I take a trip to do that someday, b/c she has also said she wants to do this since I was about 15.

Anyway, I had to go to Garden Ridge yesterday to grab some stuff for a work event...they are setting up for Christmas already!!! The early set up just about kills Andrew, as he could take or leave Christmas (I think mainly take or leave the pressure of gift purchasing...which has now dwindled for him as I take care of all the gifts for his family as well, and he only has to purchase gifts for me). However, the Christmas trees just about sent me into a tizzy! I cannot wait until it is socially acceptable to have Christmas music playing in my car when people get in!

One of my favorite parts about fall, and I'm not kidding, are the candle scents! Seriously...I could blow a ton of money on fall candles. I don't love scented candles most other times of year...but if it says cinnamon, pumpkin, or dead leaves (who knows, they could make one) I am SO in! Maybe that's a Christmas gift hint for Andrew...or rather birthday hint since that is November. Maybe that's a little bit why I like fall too...I love my birthday, I look forward to it like I'm 5 every year and pretty sure I won't care if I'm turning 100, as long as it means I get to have a birthday party and CAKE!

Such a pretty picture of fall....


  1. I am an advocate for making Christmas music socially acceptable year round. There's something about the Carpenters Christmas Album that just makes me smile.

  2. um...whomever Abby Ed is - I love her b/c I LOVE ME SOME CARPENTERS!!! And yes Amanda - as far as I'm concerned (this is Reb) you can play the Christmas music whenever. Come visit, p.s.

  3. Oh, I'm totally sad. My comment didn't post?

    I agree with Abby. Christmas music year round? Good for me!

    I'd also really like to do the fall foliage New England thing. I was going to do a trip like that this fall with a travel group I'm a part of, but it didn't make. :( Sad!

    Yesterday, I felt conflicted about wearing my white sandals... but it's just so darn hot.

    Today I'm wearing tights.

    Fall, come soon, please.
