How has it been literally an entire month since I've updated my blog? I'm stinking at this whole "I'll update the blog more often" resolution. I have a big update with photos, but don't have time for that now, just as a teaser in includes the patio/deck that we built ourselves, our home improvement updates, my new vegetable and herb garden, and my trip to Orlando with Morgan to see Justin. So delightful! Well, the Orlando trip won't be updated until I get the pics from Justin or Morgan, who seem to be taking their sweet time getting the pics to me. Also, you might remember I'm still waiting to get pics from Annie from our trip to the rodeo in January (Annie, feel the pressure yet?)! This exciting update has no pictures, but BIG NEWS! My mom and dad bought a house in Fort Worth!!!!!!!!!!! It is less than 15 minutes from our house, and I couldn't be more excited! Their house in Lubbock sold in less than 10 days on the market! Shocking. Their house in LBK is awesome, we just weren't prepared for it sell so quickly. So, they had to move quickly to find a house, but they landed on the right one here!! So fun! I seriously cannot wait for my parents to move here so we can all hang out. My parents rock. I'll update with pictures soon. P.S. Andrew's aunt Julie is coming over for a Happy Hour today, she and her hubs (Andrew's uncle, duh) came last week and we had so much fun! She is a super cool lady!
PICTURES! Amanda! (morganjustinannie!)
ReplyDeleteSo excited to see the news about your parents on FB! I know you're going to LOVEEEE having them around... and so is your dog. :)